Vision - EENI Global Business School

Departments of EENI Global Business School

Professors and Departments of EENI in the world (Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and America)

EENI Solutions - Focus on International Business

To develop the competitive advantages of EENI Global Business School derived from our business model, based on:

  1. Specialisation in International Business
  2. Access to the Global Market
  3. Facilitate global access to higher education at affordable prices,

It is necessary to create an academic structure in networks of knowledge that allows organising and managing all the information and the knowledge generated both globally, regionally and locally (in each country) and also allows to do so practically in a real time and at a reduced cost.

Moreover, all for the benefit of the student.

Online Continuing education, EENI Global Business School

One of the distinguishing characteristics of EENI Global Business School is its exclusive focus on International Business.

For this reason, EENI will be formed by regional networks of universities. Each regional university will have a Faculty organised in Departments and a School of Doctorate, in addition to a series of institutes, all working digitally on the network, sharing information and generating synergies.

EENI Global Business School global network

EENI African Portal

African Business (Master, Courses, Doctorates)

This educational organisation in knowledge networks makes it possible to facilitate the adaptation strategy for degrees and masters for students from 180 countries.

Knowledge Networks EENI Global Business School

The Departments of EENI Global Business School are

Departments of EENI Global Business School

  1. Foreign Trade and globalisation
  2. International Marketing and E-business
  3. Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business
  4. European Affairs
  5. African Affairs
  6. Asia-Pacific Affairs
  7. American Affairs
  8. Islamic Studies

Initially, all departments will be located in Spain, but Regional Departments (Africa, Asia, America, Islamic Studies) will move to the regional universities in America, Africa and Asia.

General Structure of  EENI Departments

All the departments of EENI Global Business School will have a similar structure. The Regional Departments (Africa, Asia, America) present the particularity of having a Deputy Director of the Department whose main mission is to manage everything related to his region (Research, Education, Alliances).

  1. Director of Department
  2. Sub-director of Department
  3. Secretary of the Department
  4. Professors
  5. Tutors
  6. Scholars
  7. Research Groups
  8. Regional Business Council
  9. Regional Alumni Club

U-EENI Professors

All people involved must have a deep knowledge of International Business and local languages, as well as strong ethical principles.

An example of the Department of American, Asian and African Affairs of EENI Global Business School:

Department African Affairs

Salamata Micheline ILBOUDO/DIALLO, Burkina Faso (Professor, EENI University)

Department Asian Affairs

Department African Affairs

PhD Geneviève Barro (Burkina Faso) Director of the Doctorate in African Business

PhD Geneviève Barro Burkina

The coordination of all information flows is carried out through the Global Coordination and Research Unit:

Global Coordination and Research Unit

EENI regional foreign trade institutes depend on each regional department:

African Foreign Trade Institute

Comparison between a centralised structure (Traditional University) and a decentralised network (EENI)

Network Organisation EENI Global Business School

Number of alliances and professors (Traditional University, EENI)

Professors Alliances EENI Global Business School

Online Higher Education in Spanish Departamentos de la Universidad en el mundo Online Higher Education in French Départements EENI dans le monde Online Higher Education in Portuguese Departamentos

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