Vision - EENI Global Business School

Student-University Value Creation

Problem - little or null Capacity of Student-University shared value creation. Universities with a small focus on student needs.

Solution: Creating Student-University Shared Value.


Focusing on student needs and not on those of the University

“Let's design together the training program that allows you to find a better job”.

EENI Solutions

1. Traditional University Value Creation.

Only the University defines the training program (degrees, masters, doctorates, and continuing education programs). This modality is necessary and useful especially for low mature markets (developing countries) or segments (students who have finished high school).

In the case of EENI Global Business School, this traditional value creation has been adapted, and therefore made more flexible, in three ways:

  1. Offering educational profiles to 180 countries.
  2. Creating regional variants of global training programs. For example, EENI will offer a Bachelor of Science in International Business (Global) as well as several regional degrees (e.g., Bachelor of Science in Inter-African Business for African students). A similar strategy applies to the Masters in International Business.
  3. Possibility of studying, performing exercises or dissertations in several languages

2. Student-University shared value creation.

The student (active, informed, with a global vision and ubiquitously connected) together with EENI defines the training program.

Student-University Value Creation

  1. Necessary for mature markets and profiles of Prospective Student more prepared, like professionals
  2. It allows the access to new segments and people previously unattended.

The shared value creation allows:

  1. Under EENI supervision, the prospective student can design his/her training program (defining content customisation, modality, tuition fees, duration jointly) and therefore finally meet their personal goals to find a better job.
  2. The student can define the study time, and thus the final tuition fees.
  3. Even being able to offer those people with lower financial resources, the possibility of enrolling for credits based on their specific incomes. A model that has started to operate in East Africa for access to solar energy in Tanzanian villages.

Comparison between Student-University shared value creation capacity between a Traditional University and EENI

Creating Student-University Shared Value

Collectives of Students-University Shared value creation

EENI will actively promote creation of prospective students groups so that they can design new training programs, obtain discounts, etc.

U-EENI previously identified different profiles of collectives around the world (translators, United Nations displaced officials...)

  1. Prospective Student Groups from a given country: a professor/coordinator of this country who also speak their local language; even EENI can offer the possibility of sending a professor to the country to teach an intensive seminar
  2. Prospective Student Groups with a common language: EENI will provide a regional tutor or professor who speaks the local language (e.g., Swahili for Kenya or Tanzania). Also, EENI could organize a regional meeting of students sending a professor, etc.

All this generation of information continuously feedbacks to U-EENI.

EENI Muslim Alumni

EENI Global Business School Muslim Alumni

Problem Related to Shared Value Creation and the Existing Legislation.

EENI Global Business School is taking the necessary steps to obtain the official recognition. However, the legislation in force does not contemplate shared value creation, which is an incertitude if the Ministry of Education will recognise or not the shared value creation University-Student programs. If they were not accepted, an own title (diploma) of EENI would be issued.

Also, EENI aims to create accredited regional universities in America, Africa and Asia.

EENI African Portal

African Business (Master, Courses, Doctorates)

Given the rigidity of the accreditation agencies at a global level, it will be difficult, in the short term, to offer this personalised training with accreditation. Surely, in the medium-term, it should change in more mature markets.

This adaptive capacity will allow EENI to better adapt our educational offer to local requirements defined by the Ministries of Education to facilitate the validation of the diploma.

EENI Global Business School Educational Portal

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