Vision - EENI Global Business School

Vision - EENI Global Business School

EENI (Global Network Ahimsa University) is a Higher Education Global Network (Online Master's and Professional Doctorates) at a distance learning, focused exclusively on international business and foreign trade, whose origins go back to 1995 (EENI- Business School) with headquarters in Barcelona (Spain)

The mission of EENI is to facilitate the access to the growing world demand for higher education that cannot be covered by the traditional universities at affordable prices for all.

Online Student (EENI Global Business School)

  • Fees objective for Online Bachelors of Science, Professional Doctorates and Masters: 1,000 Euros per year

Education for all

EENI is founded on the concept of “Global Network Ahimsa University”, radically different from traditional universities.

Global Network Ahimsa EENI Global Business School

Vision - EENI Global Business School

EENI African Portal

African Business (Master, Courses, Doctorates)

EENI Global Business School will create regional universities in Africa, America and Asia in the long term; to fulfil its mission and to meet the needs of students around the world.

EENI Global Business School global network

The EENI vision is to be a world reference in research and higher education in international business with ethical principles, so that our alumni and EENI Global Business School itself collaborate in the development of an Ahimsa global economic space, based on non-violence in business.

Motto “We cannot be locally great in everything, but be world-class in higher education of International Business”.

EENI has prepared all this information to explain in a clear and transparent way (according to our Ahimsa Vision) the innovative, and even disruptive, characteristics of our global educational project in international business. All this vision will be gradually implemented in the short and medium-term.

This presentation is aimed at prospective students, EENI alumni, professors and collaborators, researchers, investors, governments, organisations related to business, and in general to the entire global business community.

EENI is focused on the needs of the students, therefore:

  1. EENI is convinced that the student should have more power thus allowing him Creating Student-University Shared Value

    Student-University Value Creation

  2. EENI has a strong commitment to their students: Help them find a better job.

    EENI Master Burkina Faso

  3. Consider e-learning as a disruptive innovation to benefit the student

    e-learning disruptive technology higher education

  4. EENI is organised into Global Knowledge Networks through its Regional Universities, Departments and Professors around the world to gather information related to international business and transform it into knowledge available to its students.

    Department African Affairs

  5. EENI Acts Globally, being able to adapt the Masters to students from 180 countries

    U-EENI Professors

  6. EENI incorporates companies, organisations, and alumni in the educational process from around the world as a solution to University-Labour Market Disconnection.

    Companies Organisations EENI Global Business School

  7. EENI believes that Ethics would be one of the pillars of training in international business (Ahimsa vision) as a solution to the problem of higher education in business without values.

    Harmony of Religions (Islam, Hinduism)

    Ahimsa Nonviolence in Business

  8. Considers that the research of EENI must benefit the student and regions where it acts, avoiding that the research surcharges are transmitted to the students via tuition fees.
  9. EENI want to create Win-win lifelong relationships with his alumni developing a Global e-Community

    e-Alumni Community U-EENI

  10. EENI has a strong Social Responsibility to Humanity

All the above together with the elimination of superfluous expenses that do not add value to the student allow us to generate cost-benefit enabling to offer affordable prices for all (without being a “low-cost university”)

All EENI students and alumni will maintain the same status as with EENI and will be able to access the EENI e-community

Evolution of EENI

EENI Strategic Markets

All over the world, but especially emerging and low-middle-income countries (Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific).

Strategic markets EENI Global Business School

EENI Online Academic Programs: Bachelor of Science, Masters and Professional Doctorates (e-learning)

Online Bachelor of Science and Masters

  1. Masters in International Business
  2. Doctorates in International Business
  3. Lifelong Learning

More information: EENI educational portal

Problems related to higher education that EENI can solve.

The main problems detected by EENI related to higher education in International Business at a global level and their solutions:

Problems higher education

Regional foreign trade institutes

EENI Headquarters: Calle Mallorca, 125, Entlo 2ª, 08036 Barcelona (Spain). Telef. (34) 656 83 21 47.

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Affordable Higher Education for All
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